Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India
Somewhere have raised an issue of “Hinduism”, but when it comes to “Hinduism” point of views don’t matter?
India the so called Democratic country, where we have the lengthiest constitution which is followed by few numbers of people, including our political parties. Indian constitution ended with the comprehensible vision to “Restrain on power & assurance of rights”. Whereas according to article 19, which is to some extend connected with article 21, gives right to freedom of expression. [Right of freedom]. And in 1983, under the demand for secession; not protected under freedom of expression, where People’s idea, institution has seen above the constitution. Is it something that the Indian laws are only for Indian?
James Laine in his book has not openly talked about Shivaji but, stories about Shivaji are painted. Stories which are told and developed over centuries. In last fifty year the books on shivaji have much different political and cultural fiction, which are studied by James Laine who tries to explore Shivaji left out of traditional stories. Shivaji challenges the hegemony of Islamic emperor and founded Maharashtra. Shivajis stories have played decisive role in construction of “Islam” and “Hinduism” in Maharashtra.
Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India. It has been inhibited from the Indian souk and barred in Maharashtra, while a scholar was beaten up and the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute in Pune ransacked just because of mentions in Laine's acknowledgements. This cleared up the picture of collectivism in Indian political structure, where we have freedom of expression but only for Indians that’s also not for sure……
it's true but not known 2 every1... as people dnt hve time 4 they will think about this thing...people are least bothered but good to see sum1 is known 2 this also...great!!!